Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mom Update (overdue, obviously)


A few weeks ago, now, I spent the day in doctor's offices once again. Reminds me of a year ago. But this time it was all good news. My mom is still cancer free (thank goodness). I'm thrilled. Thrilled isn't even the word. I don't think there is one. The word that is happier and more excited than the happiest and most excited word you can think of. That's how I feel about it. Last year was hellish. This year is grand, so far. 

In other news, my mom's hair has gotten longer now. She's always had long, straight hair, but when it grew back in after falling out it was curly as can be. 

This is apparently pretty common among the lost-my-hair-to-chemo crowd. For the past couple of months, she's been going the 'get my hair wet and smush it down' route to hair magnificence, but I noticed today that the longer it gets, the closer she gets to 

(note: I'm mostly kidding. I think her hair is really cute, and if anything she looks more like Rick James than Lionel Richie, for sure). 

So that's my mom-news update. Her hair is cute and her cancer is still gone. Big yay. 

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