Thursday, March 25, 2010

I love you

She's right. I do. On all the days. Can you say it too much? 

I try to only say it when I mean it. Sometimes I say it when it bubbles to the surface. The deep love I have inside gets to be too much to contain and it bursts from my mouth like a burp. An affectionate burp. 'And then they aaaall went back to egypt!' 'I LOVE you!'

Sometimes it comes out as more of a sigh. A reminder to myself. 'Why does the cat have pudding on her back? *sigh* I love you guys.'

Sometimes it's habit. Goodbyes, goodnights, replies to the 'i love you's of others. These are my least favorite. Once I accidentally said 'I love you' to a telemarketer. Because we were saying goodbye on the phone. 

Sometimes it's a sudden realization. I'll be talking to someone or thinking about them and BAM! LOVE! even if I've said it a thousand times and meant it. I like those ones. 

I think sometimes if I compliment people a lot or am too affectionate too often, they won't think I'm being sincere. But unless you're a telemarketer, I probably mean it. Especially if it sounds like a burp or a sigh. 

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